Hooray its February

Tue 03 February 2015

New stockists , new customers new prodcuts 

The last few weeks have been very exciting . I decided to rent a shelf at the lovely Gift Boutique located in Pages Court in Petersfield. Its a great shop with so many interesting items from local crafters so I hope my products fit in well with the other items there and do well  .

I have had a flurry of new customers including my first international order and had an increasing number of returning  customers so its been a really busy few weeks.  Making wise I have continued to concentrate on valentines gifts and my ready filled goodie bags continue to be popular. I ordered a few new molds and been experimenting with new shapes but nothing yet has really formed into a new product .

I have started to make a few flower shaped products with mother's day in mind and need to set aside a day to take some  decent photos . I am also starting to get a few seaside themed items ready for my first craft fayre at Emsworth on the 7th March - again this is a new venture for me so a little nervous but will be excited to meet the other stall holders and hopefully some new customers .

Bring on the spring ..............


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